My lazy/cheap version of a "Halloween Costume" made easy.
Not going to lie- While I love to decorate & partake in majority of the festivities, one thing I don't like to do for Halloween - is dress up in a costume. #callmeboring 👵💤
Basically, I'm not clever enough to come up with a cool, homemade costume. So as a result, I'm the person who has to go to Halloween City & purchase the expensive costume due to my lack of creativity.
Not to mention, I just find it to be an impractical expense since you can really only wear it once. When I'm checking out all I can think about is the outfit pieces I could be purchasing that I could wear all year around!
Disclaimer: To any of my Halloween lovers out there- you keep doin' you! I'm just a cheap, boring, lazy old fart who doesn't like dressing up. No hate towards y'all! I promise! 😘
ANYWAY- to my cheap & lazy people out there that want to get in the festive spirit without putting in too much effort- Target's got us covered! Halloween graphic tees from $12.99-$14.99! Cute & very functional for the WHOLE month of October instead of just one day!
Head into your local Target today so you too can get wearing your "costume". ;) 🎃
Northern Belle

Featured Shirt:
Other ones I considered buying: