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Things I did during my pregnancy that I don't regret

Writer's picture: Alicia WinzelerAlicia Winzeler

Everyone is different on their pregnancy journey & that's okay, but I wanted to share things that I'm so glad I did for any new Mom's in the making or even Mom's that are wanting to do things a little different this time around! 💙💗

  1. Recording everything - from me taking my pregnancy test - to telling our families & filming our gender reveal. While it got tricky to do - I'm so glad we have these special moments to look back on!

  2. Making myself a priority. I made sure to book some facials, get some pedicures, took time to read, go for walks, etc. Basically indulged myself in luxury selfcare, but still a form of selfcare nonetheless. I don't regret it one bit of making myself a high priority at a time where my body was going through so much change. My husband was extremely supportive in this as well.

  3. Getting our nursery done in the 2nd trimester. So many people said "Oh don't worry about it you won't use it right away." when it came to our nursery, but I'm so glad I ignored that advice. I already knew how I wanted it to look & once the gender was confirmed - I started ordering & week by week we got it together. I wanted it together as soon as possible so it was out of the way. Spending my 3rd trimester relaxing on the beach was a HUGE goal for me. Plus - what the hell was I gonna do? Finish a nursery with a newborn or wait till he's finally ready to go into a crib to get my crap together? Had I listened to those people telling me not worry about it that would of been the case. Nah. Sorry. I'm just not last minute like that.

  4. Making it a goal to relax in my 3rd trimester. With so much unpredictability with babies arrival in the 3rd trimester - anything I could plan & be prepared for - I did. Hospital bags packed, nursery done, babies laundry done, maintaining house so it's clean, freezer meals stocked, dog sitter arranged & everything. I live by the beach & told myself I'd have all the leg work out of the way so this Momma could kick her big ole belly up on the beach - get a tan & chill. And that my friends is exactly what I did & I'm tremendously proud of myself for it.

  5. Preparing a list of questions for each Dr. visit. On my notes app I had an ongoing list of questions prepared that randomly popped up in my head so I wouldn't forget the next time around for our Dr. appointment. It was extremely helpful in me getting the answers I needed & ultimately I left every appointment feeling more comfortable, confident and like I got the most out of the appointment. The Drs. and midwives were all super grateful I came prepared & were happy to answer my list of random questions.

  6. Setting boundaries. Sadly some family members didn't take kindly to the boundaries we set in place for our family, but that's okay. I'm glad early in my pregnancy I clearly communicated our boundaries on several things that were important to us for when baby arrived.

  7. Not telling anyone when we were in labor. We communicated to our family & close friends that we weren't going to share when we were in labor simply because we wanted time to be able to focus on us and baby without feeling pressured or pestered to provide updates. While it's awesome people are excited for this moment - it's also an extremely overwhelming time too. I knew I'd be very occupied - obviously - & I didn't want my husband distracted during that time especially if something didn't go as planned.

  8. Stopping people when they tried to dump their birth trauma on me. <-- This one ugh! The minute I shared I was pregnant sooooo many people it felt like dumped their labor and delivery trauma on me and it was stressful. I've always been scared at the idea of giving birth and hearing other woman share their horror stories wasn't helping me to build any confidence at all. I never had assumed or said it was easy, but dang I wanted to go in at least with somewhat of a positive attitude! I soon had to put a wall up and redirect any conversation that was heading in that direction at an early point in my pregnancy. One persons birth trauma does not have to be yours. If you know a woman who is pregnant for the 1st time - build her up - she's already scared. Unless she wants to hear it - please refrain from scaring a soon to be Mom any more than she already is.

  9. Not allowing room for peoples opinions. Breastfeeding, labor plan etc. Everyone I found has their own opinions on everything when it comes to babies, breastfeeding, medical stuff, labor, etc. I had to do what's best for me & give zero cares on peoples opinions.

  10. Taking baby aspirin throughout my pregnancy. Of course always consult with your doctor before taking any medication especially when pregnant. However, I strongly feel taking baby aspirin throughout my pregnancy was a huge contributor in me having great blood pressure throughout my pregnancy & no swelling. It was recommend in the early part of my 2nd trimester by my doctor & something I'm glad I did. I often was complimented at my appts at how good and consistent my blood pressure was.

Looking back on this pregnancy journey - I'm glad I held strong on certain things that got me through & felt it may be worth sharing for anyone else entering their pregnancy journey!

Thanks for reading


Mrs. Northern Belle

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